Sunday, 24 November 2019

Best Affiliate Marketing Software – Which One Is Best For You?

Nearly every day, there is a new affiliate marketing software that launches. Anyone who has subscribed to an internet marketers email list will find out that there is no shortage of ‘shiny objects’, and several times per day you are likely trying to get sold something.

I’ve been doing internet marketing for more than a decade, and one thing that I have learned is that most of these affiliate marketing softwares use not worthwhile. Many of them get discontinued in less than a year. But there are some that stand the test of time. But how do you determine whether a marketing software is worth investing in?

In this blog post I am going to give you a framework for determining whether an affiliate marketing software is worth investing in, and also give you a few product recommendations of the best affiliate marketing software that I use. By the end of this blog post, you should be able to determine what is right for you.

What Makes An Affiliate Software Worthwhile?

When it comes to operating your affiliate marketing business you will find there are 3 categories of affiliate marketing tools and softwares out there.

  1. Software that are vital. You literally cannot have an affiliate marketing business without them. A good example would be Affiliate Marketing WordPress hosting. You need to have a blog, or website, but hosting also means you can create affiliate links, blog posts, bonus pages, landing pages, etc.
  2. Software that can aren’t vital, but can substantially enhance your marketing process. For example, if you have a blog and want to create landing pages, sales pages, thank you pages, a great tool for enhancing your ability to create these is Optimizepress. You can certainly get by without it, but it may just be doing you more harm than good by putting off purchasing it.
  3. Software that looks cool, but doesn’t fit in your marketing process. It might be useful to some other affiliate marketer, but not you. A good example of this is, if you are an affiliate marketer that earns through blogging, it would not be beneficial for you to buy an Instagram management software.

Even if you do find an affiliate software that you think will be worth investing in, you need to do research and make sure the company you are buying it from has good reviews. If you don’t there is a chance you might invest in a tool that might not work like advertised, or even the software no longer works in 6 months. Unfortunately this has happened to me several times. I have purchased an affiliate marketing software for $1000 that didn’t work as advertised, and by the time I decided to ask for a refund, it was already past it’s money back guarantee.

The Best Affiliate Marketing Software

As I said before, the single best affiliate marketing software you can invest in is affiliate marketing wordpress hosting. Being able to have your own website to attract people to is really vital if you want to make any sort of money in affiliate marketing.

WordPress hosting gives you a platform to build a website that is completely customizable for you. WordPress plugins are available to install on your website if you are looking for a specific type of functionality.

The top two functions of a wordpress hosting platform are:

  • Having content that attracts visitors to your affiliate offers.
  • Affiliate link cloaking tools that make your affiliate links “pretty”, as well as track them, and even block hackers from stealing your affiliate commissions.

Other than that, it is the easiest way to get people to your affiliate offers. Whenever you create a blog post centered around an idea or topic, it has the potential to attract website visitors who can then be referred to your affiliate offers, and buy.|

Other Types Of Affiliate Marketing Software

At this point, you have several affiliate marketing tools out there to help you operate more efficiently. You really have to look at each step of your process, and see if there is an affiliate marketing software that can help you. For example, my affiliate marketing process looks like this:

  1. Keyword Research. I use a Keyword Research Tool called Jaaxy. It helps me find questions and topics people are searching for on Google.
  2. Content Creation is the next step of the process. There is a couple different routes to take when it comes to creating content. I either write it myself or have one of my hand-selected writers do it for me. One of my favorite resources getting content written is Hirewriters. They have the lowest priced content compared to any alternative, and if you find the right person to write your content, you are really getting a great deal out of it.
  3. Publishing the Content. Unfortunately this is not a mere copy and paste. I typically have to format the blog post, add images, embed videos, and do a bunch of “On-Page SEO”. There several tool out there to assist you in optimizing content, such as SEOPressor, and Yoast. They don’t automate the process, but they help guide you through the process of publishing content correctly.
  4. Repurposing the Content is the next step. One of the best things you can be doing right now is repurposing your content, and publishing it across multiple platforms. One great example is how I am able to take my blog posts, and turn them into videos using a tool called Content Samurai. Really in just a few clicks I can take a blog post and quickly turn it into a video. But other than uploading the video to YouTube you can alter the video and publish it to Facebook, and LinkedIn as well. I actually wrote a case study about ‘how I turned 1 article into 13 pieces of content’ here, if you want more ideas about how to repurpose content.
  5. Distributing the Repurposed Content. This is similar to publishing the content in step 3, but each platform that I distribute the repurposed content is going to have different publishing rules that I have to abide by. My favorite places to distribute the content are Facebook, YouTube, LinkedIn, and Wealthy Affiliate. But there are several others like Slideshare, and Soundcloud for example if you are interested in other content formats.

Basically my formula is to break down my affiliate marketing process and add the best affiliate marketing software for each step. I have a bunch of tools for each step of the process, and it allows me to operate my affiliate marketing business much more efficiently.

Final Thoughts

I hope by now you have gained some insight into what affiliate marketing software is best for you. Since I am not really into social media marketing quite as much as some affiliate marketers, I can’t really suggest any tools worth recommending, just the ones I personally use. If you have any questions about my process, feel free to leave a comment down below. Also, is sure to sign up for a free affiliate marketing website, and affiliate marketing bootcamp through this link here. I’ve thrown in some additional bonuses for you as well.

from Internet Marketing Aficionado

Thursday, 21 November 2019

How To Find An Affiliate Marketing Niche [Easy Guide]

So you have decided that you want to try your hand at affiliate marketing, but are not sure how to choose a niche. There are many factors to consider when it comes to picking a niche that you can make money from. Some of the factors are qualitative, and others are qualitative, but they are all worth considering.

In this blog post I wanted to discuss how to find an affiliate marketing niche so that way you have some type of framework for picking one worth pursuing.

What are you passionate about?

This is not a compass to find the most profitable niche, but rather one that will keep you engaged. Making money online can take a lot of trial and error, There will be times when you want to give up. But being in a niche that you are passionate about, will help you stay in the game, and staying in the game even at the bare minimum at times, is what makes the difference.

Do you have a University degree? Maybe what got you through your university studies is enough to help you find a topic for your affiliate marketing niche. For example, one of my favorite YouTubers that is constantly doing affiliate marketing first started learning about it while in Nursing school while taking Human Anatomy. He discovered that there were Human Anatomy flashcards for sale on Clickbank, and so he made a blog that promoted them. He wrote one blog post per day for 90 days, and by the time the summer was over, he was earning thousands of dollars per month. Fast forward today, and he earned thousands of dollards PER DAY doing all sorts of internet marketing ventures.

Being passionate about your niche also gives you an advantage over your competition because you are more knowledgeable about it. You have a deeper understanding about the needs ands wants of the people in that niche. You might understand what types of questions they are asking Google, or what types of Facebook Groups they like to hang out in.

Is there a demand?

The second thing to consider is whether there is a sufficient demand for a product in that niche. For example, in the picture below I took a screenshot of the RC Planes niche using an Amazon product research tool called Jungle Scout.

RC Planes Niche Example

The monthly revenue for the top 3 products is over $100,000, which is great. It also shows that the average price for the items on that page, is $75. Typically you want the price to be over $50 so it looks like there should be plenty of products in the category to promote.

It is not worth promoting a product just to earn a 50 cent commission. I see way too many people going after the little sales, and it is just not worthwhile. You need to be going after big sales in order to make any decent money. That is why I primarily focus on Clickbank, because the average commission per sale is 10x higher than Amazon affiliates make.

What is the competition like?

The third most important thing to consider with how to find an affiliate marketing niche is the competition. There is basically two schools of thought to this. The first is the number of competitors that you will be directly competing against. When it comes to affiliate marketing, I mean how many competing websites there are on Google under a keyword phrase you are trying to rank for. You definitely don’t want to have too many competing websites

The second school of thought is how strong is your competition. If the niche is full of people who are good at SEO, or possibly the websites that are on page one, are huge brands, like Amazon and Walmart, it might be pretty difficult to get your own content in front of your audience.

For example, I took a screenshot of the keyword research tool called Jaaxy, looking into a popular brand of RC Planes. It helps me to analyze the feasiblity of keywords in my niche.

RC Planes Niche Analysis With Jaaxy

As you can see there is a decent about of monthly traffic for each keyword phrase, and the competing websites are generally pretty low. A “QSR” of less than 100 is considered ideal. So this niche would probably be a perfect niche for me to go after if I was interested in doing Amazon associates.

Final Thoughts On How To Find An Affiliate Marketing Niche

There are several factors to consider when figuring out how to find an affiliate marketing niche. But even after you have a few niche ideas you still need to probe your niche for feasibility. If you still are unsure you can reach out to me by commenting down below or shoot me a message at the Wealthy Affiliate community. You can even go through the Affiliate marketing bootcamp there. It has everything you need to help you on your way of choosing an affiliate marketing niche.

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from Internet Marketing Aficionado

Saturday, 16 November 2019

How To Drive Traffic To Website or Blog

How To Drive Traffic To Website

So you have a website and want to drive traffic to it, but are not quite sure how. There are many different traffic sources out there for getting traffic to your website, but not all of them are equal. Once you understand how you end up obtaining the traffic, it is actually pretty easy to keep on growing your website traffic. With some hard work, implementing the techniques I will share you can easily get your website traffic into the thousands per month. Traffic that is in the thousands per month can even be turned into passive income.

In this blog post I am going to be going over a few different ways that you can drive traffic to your website, even if you are a complete beginner.

Search Engine Traffic

Search Engine Traffic refers to traffic that your website gets from the search engines, such as Google, Bing, Yahoo, and even some lesser known ones. YouTube is definitely on that list as well, as it has become the second largest search engine on the planet.

Search Engine Traffic is by far the best traffic that you can get for earning passive income. The traffic that comes from the search engines, if done correctly can be used to sell products, services, capture blog subscribers, and more. It is also very ‘hands-off’.

But there is something very important that you need to understand when it comes to getting Search Engine Traffic. “Keywords” are the backbone of what makes it work for your website. Keywords are basically the phrases that people use to find your blog post. Google figures out what blog posts, and websites to recommend by “crawling” the page, and figuring out what it is all about. Google then presents to you the most relevant websites based on the search results.

As a website owner, the best thing for you to do is some research, and find the best keywords to use for your website. Each individual page should have its own keywords. There are a lot of different tools out there. The best one I recommend getting started with is called Jaaxy. It is very simple, and easy to use, and they provide a lot of tutorials so you can learn how to research keywords correctly.

Once you have learned how to do the keywords research, getting Search Engine traffic actually becomes very easy. You just create one blog post for every keyword phrase that you come across. If you want to have more traffic, you just simply create more blog posts targeting new keywords you come across.

Social Media Traffic

Social Media traffic can also be a great source of traffic in the right context. Typically, if you use social media to build a following of people who are interested in the topics that your website is about, then they will visit your website when they see you have published a new blog post or update.

Having targeted individuals visit your website is ideal, and with social media traffic, it is just that. It’s different from Search Engine traffic however in that a lot less people coming to visit your site will be in the mood to buy products and services. They could just be inquiring about something.

My top 3 favorite sources of traffic to blog posts are Pinterest, Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn.

Instagram is really great too but, since they only allow you to have one website link on your profile, it is best to send your traffic to a “landing page” instead of a blog post. I landing page is a page on your website that is designed to convert visitors into leads or subscribers.

Other Traffic Sources

Pay Per Click Advertising is another great way to send traffic to your website, and there is many different forms of this. Pay Per Click means just as it says. You are paying a company such as Google for every click to your website. Obviously this can get to be very expensive and not a good idea if you don’t know what you are doing. Most of the time you want to either send your traffic to a Landing page, or a blog post that has a great track record of converting into sales.

For advertising experts, Pay Per Click is definitely the preferred method for getting website traffic quickly. But if you don’t know what you are doing, it is best to stay away from it.

Email Marketing is another method of getting traffic but it is really only available once you have built a list of subscribers from your blog. Subscribers will basically be notified whenever your publish a new blog post. As your email list grows, so can your website traffic.

Online Communities & Forums are another great way to get traffic from your website. Although they typically have a strict set of rules that you have to follow in regard to publishing your links. You can typically display your website on your profile, and sometimes your “signature”, every time you write a new post. A great example of an Online Community where I get a lot of websites traffic from is Wealthy Affiliate. It is an online community of people who are learning how to manage websites for themselves just like you and me. They offer a lot of training and will give comments and feedback whenever I have questions.

Final Thoughts Regarding How To Drive Traffic To Website

I hope that you have found this blog post to be insightful for how you can drive traffic to your website. First and foremost I recommend Search Engine traffic, It is the most reliable, and the best traffic for building passive income over time. If you want to learn more about how to turn your website into a passive income machine, you can sign up for an Affiliate Bootcamp at this website here.

from Internet Marketing Aficionado

Wednesday, 13 November 2019

WP Zero Bounce Review [OTO’s & Demo]

Online business has become a buzz in the last couple of years, and this is projected to rise in the coming years. I believe wp zero bounce reviewthat if you’re reading this WP zero bounce review, you have tried out your hand in the numerous types of money-making means on the internet today. And you have realized that its not as easy as initially thought.

Many people tend to describe online business as a walk in the park. Still, the truth they don’t tell you is that to break the ground in this area, and you have to have the right idea, strategy, and tools to ensure you maximize the profits while minimizing the expenditure. The review is going to look at the tools that are essential in making you successful, if you are into making money through clicks and traffic then you better pay attention as I guide into changing your game plan and maximizing on profits.

WP Zero Bounce Video – Demo

Grab A Copy Of WP Zero Bounce, Click Here!

The WP Zero Bounce Niche

I know the hustle that one has to go through to get the traffic flowing into his or her page. The hard work will go to waste if you don’t pay attention to small details such as managing the loose of the traffic. The simple truth is that every website that you know of, however creative or impressive it may look, has something we term as leaking traffic. Some site loss as high as 60% of its traffic.

Leaking traffic is the aspect whereby visitors to your page or website, leave the site without taking any action. They bounce right back as if scared of something on your site. Don’t you worry, this happens to everyone, but the way we handle it is the significant difference.

We all rely on traffic to make a profit, and thus, the high bounce will translate to lost traffic, and this will lead to a devastating loss of profit. Most sites and software will help you to gain viewers or traffic but will never tell you how to maintain the flow or how to convert the bounce back to your advantage.

WP Zero Bounce review is here to help you turn the back button on your site into a profit-making button, that you will wish people would click it more often as they say turning a lemon into lemonade. We guide you to reducing your loss of visitors and traffic, which translates to your sales, leads, commissions, and profits going down the drain.

If the loss of profits doesn’t worry you, then picture your site being “Google slapped’ back to page 10 or so in the search engine. Yes, this could happen so fast just because of the high bounce rate. And we all know that nobody gets to page 2, let alone page 10.

Having understood the adverse effects that your page would face now, let’s look at what we are offering.

About the WP Zero Bounce

We, as WP Zero Bounce, deliver just that zero bounce back from your site. In just a few easy steps, you’re able to retain the traffic. This is through installing a simple plugin on your website. You will have to follow the following few steps to install the plugin:

Step 1. Activate the plugin in the WP- admin section

Step 2. Add your redirect URL (This is the affiliate offer or CPA, but most people redirect the traffic to another page on their site). Here, you choose where you want your bounce back traffic to be redirected.

Step 3. Save the setting

Simple as ABC. Now your traffic will be directed to your area of preference, and you have the power over what they will see and most likely consume.

Following the simple steps, you have complete control over the visitors and you can now efficiently manage and avert the bouncing traffic for external sites. Doing this will help you earn from every click their pages be it the WP Sites, HTML Sites, Joomla, Magento and Spotify, and many other sites and platforms.

Cost of WP Zero Bounce

I know you have been waiting for this part, knowing how much you ought to invest.

The offer features two Licenses. These are:

Single Site License

The license grants you the access to; 1 Domain, One Year Free Updates, Control Bounces for Up to 3 External Sites and a 24/7 customer service support

Unlimited Sites License

As per the name, you get UNLIMITED domains, One Year Free Updates, and Control Bounces Up to 10 External Sites, and a premium 24/7 customer service support. The two offers have a different price, which is $25.00 and $27.00, respectively.

A quick calculation will show you that the latter is an offer that may end at any time.

Everyone likes to know what they pay for, will you get the service paid for or not. The WP Zero Bounce plugin guarantees that you will get what you pay for, and that’s why they have a 30-day cash back guarantee. So if you invest today, your money is 100% safe. The refund works only if there are technical issues that can’t be resolved, not a lack of profit.

You are so having secured your purchase what do you stand to benefit from the plugin?

Features of WP Zero Bounce v 2.0

1. Exit Intent Tech

The v2.0 of this software has a unique upgrade that automatically notes when the visitor in your site is trying to close the page or exit the browser, and it automatically redirects the user to the other URL inserted. You may be skeptical to hear this because the shift from what the traffic wanted may be troublesome, but the transition is seamless. And on he or she doesn’t notice what is happening.

2. Manual On and Off Switch

After installation, if you feel that you can handle your traffic, then there is no need to uninstall, but rather, you have the choice just to shut it off. The plugin has the option to disable it until the time you will require it again.

3. Dynamic Redirect Rotation

The feature grants you the chance to make money from different and multiple sources. You can automatically rotate several redirect sites. The highest bidder wins, you get to choose who pays better and how you handle them.

4. Selective Redirect

Want to be targeted, then you have the right tool since you can set it to receive redirected traffic from specified sites.

5. Automatic Timed Deactivation

Many have been asking what if the visitor has stayed on your page much longer and decides to leave, will they be auto redirected? WP Zero Bounce gives you the power to do as you want with your visitors. In this case, you can set that if they stay for a specific set time, then they should not be redirected.

6. Freedom to Toggle

The plugin gives power to the user. If you interested in only desktop users, then that’s up to you, you can redirect them alone, or you can redirect mobile users apart. All in all, the power is in your hands; you can select your target with so much ease.

7. Choose the Specific Number

Are you not interested in redirecting all the visitors to your page? You can set the specific number of persons you want to be redirected.

8. Want to Choose a Certain Country?

Does your client want traffic from a particular country, no problem you’ll deliver? Redirect the traffic from the specified country and easily monetize them. Traffic from the USA, UK, Canada is known to be high, converting hence more money. We help you do make your maths right.

9. Redirect by Refer

Choose where you want to get your traffic from, not just anywhere.

These are just some of the things you stand to gain from the plugin.

WP Zero Bounce OTO has several OTOs, and they are:

1. OTO 1: WP Zero Bounce OTO Version 2.0

It has three choices; these are:

• Single Site License that has a Onetime pay of $27

• 50 Sites License has a onetime payment of $37

• Unlimited Sites License has a onetime fee of $37.67

2. OTO 2: Developer Rights to WP Zero Bounce PRO

Now get this if you install this plugin for five clients. You can get a revenue of $500 per week.

You also get the privilege of installing the plugin on unlimited clients pages, freedom to charge these clients the amount of money you want.

It has three choices to:

• Single Site Developers License that has a Onetime Payment of $27

• 50 Site Developers License at $37 Onetime Payment

• Unlimited Sites Developers License at $37.67 Onetime Payment

3. OTO 3: WP Zero Bounce Version 2 WP Plugin Resellers

Imagine having the right to sell the WP Zero Bounce to anyone who is need of it and not for commission but the gross profit. With this OTO, you sell the plugin for the benefit and get access to the creator’s high converting videos to help you out with the sale.

Personal View

I want to appreciate this excellent plugin! While using the WP Zero Bounce plugin on my leading site and other blogs, and since I started using it, I have had 30k unique visits per day. These two sites are making 40% more profit than before. I would recommend this plugin to anyone serious about internet and affiliate marketing.

Is the product good?

Being an online marketer and reviewer, I know that this is the best thing that happened to the online world. Being helped to turn your loss into profits is not that easy. Getting traffic into your page is easy. However, maintaining them is the task, and losing them is the disaster. Good news is, now the failure is being turned into a blessing. Stop your bounce rate, gain more traffic, and make more sales. What’s better than that?

Again every update will be free for the rest of your life. You are no more paying after every two months for an upgrade.

WP Zero Bounce is a silver lining that most people have been looking for quite some time now. It doesn’t require your constant checkup ones installed. It works its magic, and you receive the outcome.

It has been used by over 200 users in the last six months and has installed it on more than 450 sites. And research has shown that all these pages experienced growth in rankings, earnings, and flow of traffic. It works well in all browsers, and you will not need to install other software for it to work. Just plug and play.

Ankur Shukla and Nikola J have been in this game for so long, and their dedication and love for improved customer experience is what made them come up with this plug for mobile, Online, Local Business, and Niche marketers. This is why I would highly recommend it to anyone because all websites experience bounce backs, and If not handled well, it can turn out to be a disaster.

So, do you want to?

• Control your traffic

• Experience Increased Sales and Profits

• Get lower CPC

• Get Quality feedback

• Boost your Site Ratings on Search engines

• Decrease the bounce rate

• Increase Visitor duration on the page

And much more, then you should try out the WP Zero Bounce.

from Internet Marketing Aficionado

Sunday, 10 November 2019

Bing Bang Profits Review & Demo

The internet is fast becoming a money-making avenue for so many people. It may not be as easy as it sounds, but still, one bing bang profits reviewcan learn the art of making money quickly. There’re different avenues of making money online from selling products, advertising, online trading, bitcoins, google Ads, shares, commodities, and bonds trading. You name it, and it’s there.

But a majority assume that you have to be a pro to make money, but this isn’t the case since even a novice can make money from the internet hustle free. Through the aid of sure software, Bing Bang Profits, everything has been made so simple and exciting. Those who broke into the internet market as it started are practically billionaires. Take, for instance, Amazon, the wealthiest company globally, is online-based. You have an opportunity to change your fortune. I don’t guarantee you a billionaire status but a six-figure income that I can assure you of getting if you are interested in making.

Introducing Bing Bang Profits

So I am going to look at the software that’s going to revolutionize your online money-making concept, especially if you want to venture into the ads world. Bing Bang profits are the most profitable platform right now. It bases its ideology on search engines. The basis is what makes it so cost-effective because we use the search engines every time we are online. Bing Bang profit has been able to hustle almost 30% of the total market share from Google Ads.

Of the 30%, I want you to have your share and profit immensely since the large corporates, and large startups have taken 70%. Bing Bang has been in the market for almost a year now and is sold by DPAPA. It was developed to help you generate high-converting ads on the Bing platform. And the software has a secret weapon that enables you to create unlimited profitable campaigns to top it all up when you use this platform you will be able to see the results in less than 24 hours.

The platform is trying to show you that it’s not necessary to rely on the popular search engine to make a kill, but you can as well build on the Bing Ads platform and make the most out of it. The software is so much in demand that I would advise you to start considering its use.

The Bing Bang Profits Review

The software is way easy to use; it doesn’t require any prerequisite knowledge in software engineering or something of that sort. All you need is an account and the interest and an idea of what you want to create.

Things you need to set right to use Bing Bang

1. Understanding your niche, these are the tags and keywords.

2. Getting the required traffic, by creating high Optimized Ads that are based on your niche

3. Generating revenue, start earning, and realizing the growth of your website. Through Leads, Follows Engagements, and Views.

Reasons you should consider the platform

When you use Bing Bang, you stand to gain from the following features.

Bing Bang Features

• A Cloud-based feature. You will not require to download any software to access the platform. All that you need is a web browser, and you’re good to go.

• Ones you set up the Bing Bang Profit account, you can create, develop, and distribute your promotional campaigns effectively on their page. We all know that every time we are online, we cannot miss spotting an Ad, and at the time, it captures our attention. This is what the platform wants to give you the power to create an Ad that you like and design it to fit your style and taste. If you make good use of the advantages of Bing Ads, you will be able to create some of the best Ads in the market, and they will help you capture the audience.

• If you aren’t sure of what you want, you are given a unique feature of spying on your competitors. When you are spying on the competition, you can see what you are missing. And also know who you are targeting and how to gain them into your side. Knowing your competitor’s weakness will guide how you utilize the fault of your strengths.

• The other product’s tool is the ability to generate leads, follows, and engagements. Imagine having an audience that you can communicate with and turn into leads. Through the interactions, you can know what you’re missing; this will turn you into a successful marketer and convert the leads into consumers.

• The software is fully automated; thus, 100% user-friendly, especially for the newbies. The Campaign To Copy is free and done for you. Bing Bang is different from the rest of the rest since you find profitable Keywords for your Ad Campaigns and its transparent no hidden charges or anything.

• Generate an Income with C.P.A. Bing Bang helps you create traffic that will capture interested buyers. You can ensure that you have a sustainable income from this platform all you have to do to put in the work and be consistent and persistent. As an Affiliate Marketer, you will be able to earn passive Income through Bing Bang Profit.

• The software can easily and instantly place Ads for you on Bing Ads. Bing Profit ensures that you need not worry about pushing the Ads or Campaigns so long as you enter your money-making phrase; it will do the rest.

Features that Distinguish Bing Bang from Other Niches

The other thing that ensures that the software stands out from its competitors is the fact that;

• It gives its users complete training

Bing Bang inducts its users on how to use the software, how to generate Massive Income, all from Scratch. A majority of people right now don’t know where to start when it comes to the creation of Ads on search engines. Bing Bang offers comprehensive training to make sure that everyone can benefit from this platform and maximize profits.

• User-Friendly Software

The platform is perfect for both Advanced Users who are running Bing Bang Accounts and also the newbies who have no clue of what Creating Ads is all about.

Some videos from Bing Bang will help you understand;

1. How to find the Cost Per Action offers (C.P.A.)

2. How to acquire domain names

3. How to set up the domain forwarding

4. Ways of finding affiliate offers

5. How to set up Bing Ads

6. The secret to C.P.A. Marketing

7. The building of landing pages

8. Exposure to real-life case studies that you can learn from

Bing Bang Profits Demo

Bing Bang Profits OTOs

The Bing Bang profits oto come in three lots but has only 1 Front End offer with 3 Upsells and 2 Downsells. The three modes of oto are the;

1. Bing Bang Profits Front End- is done for you. The cost of this package is $27

2. Bing Bang Profits O.T.O. 1- The O.T.O. 1 D.F.Y. Campaigns. The cost of this package ranges from $27-$47

3. Bing Bang Profits O.T.O. 2- O.T.O. 2 is the Email Marketing and Tracking tool. This package sells at $27 to $37

4. Bing Bang Profits O.T.O. 3- The O.T.O. 3 is the Inner Circle, and the packaging costs $97

If you did not notice, the packages are not monthly or yearly but are a One Time sale. Now, if that’s not a killer deal, I don’t know what is then.

Having understood its functionality, then let’s look at who can benefit from the Bing Bang Profits. This tool is excellent and practical for any online marketer be it:

• Email Marketers

• Offline Marketers

• Social Media Marketers

• Product Owners

• Local Businesses

• Affiliate Marketers

• Telesales Marketers

My Experience with Bing Bang

I had not tried making money from Ads, not because I didn’t need the money but due to a lack of interest. But I decided to try out the Bing Bang Profit to get the right review for my people. The first thing that impressed me is the ease of operating the software. It didn’t take me more than 30 minutes to know what to do and where to start. The fact that the platform is way affordable than Facebook and Google Ads and has a high conversion rate makes it stand out among its peers.

The training offered also went a long way in ensuring that I am fully equipped and ready to start the Ad thing. I was still pessimistic, and as a result, I did it without the required seriousness and attention. I did not bother purchasing any page builder, but even after not being so bothered, I started experiencing a rise in clicks, visitors, and a surge in sales. I nearly hit $100 in a day. That’s when I sobered up and took it seriously.

My advice is you can use this tool to create campaigns and also make money whatever your need is, the Bing Bang Profit can do it for you. Through the aspect of personalizing the bit to fit your needs and preference. Everything about the platform has been made with so much ease that your functionality seems seamless you will be hooked to it within days and become a coveted online marketer within a week.

Is the Product Good? Why?

After my experience with the product, I can say that it’s the best thing that has happened to interested online marketers in a long while. It’s a game-changer of sorts with minimal effort. You can generate high-converting ads. But making a profit from it will entirely rely on whether or not you take it seriously, or you will approach it with a failure attitude. Demetris Papadopoulos and Alek Krulik give you a complete guide that if you explore and follow, then you’ll be headed to victory and sales.

The other thing that makes it suitable is the fact that it has excellent customer support that is readily available to advise, recommend, and solve your issue. So don’t fear if everyone around you is a novice. You have someone who will walk with you in every step. To add to that one you join the BBP platform, you will be added directly to a Facebook group that’s been created purposely for all Bing Bang users.

The group offers free interaction for both armatures and legends. The exposure will go a long way in improving your knowledge, and any of your questions will be answered directly by Mr. Dpapa himself.

With Bing Bang Profits, you have the chance to say goodbye to:

1. Hours spent trying to understand and get the niche that fits your bill

2. Hours spent and wasted while using the Google Keyword Planner or Bing Ads Keyword Planner.

3. It rescues you from the inability to not knowing how to create Ads. Let the software do the hustle for you and wait for the money.

Try it out today and start living the life of a real and a winner online marketer. Your attitude will automatically change from the moment you sign up today. What you stand to gain is much bigger than the cost you will incur when registering.

What’s lacking

Everything good and great in this world has a flaw. The same applies to this software. It has its cons. These include:

  • The first downside is the fact that the software only works in the US, UK, Canada, and Australia. This limitation is the main barrier of the Bing Bang Profit. I believe that something this great should not have the limitation of countries but rather open to all who can access the internet. Though I think this issue has been raised severally and we should expect an improvement soon.
  • The fact that for it to work, it requires extra tools and investment is a significant hindrance.
  • It only supports the Bing Ads platform.

Final Verdict

The bottom line is that if you’re interested in a way or means of creating money online, Bing Bang Profits has got you covered, with its simple and easy of functioning anyone can turn his fortune. For a long time, individuals have been looking and crying out for a platform like this to compete with the big boys, and they have it.

So for anyone who has been reading this review, I believe that you now have an idea of how the software works. Don’t let the interest fade off, act on it, and use the software to take all the guesswork off creating campaigns.

Grab A Copy Of Bing Bang Profits – Click Here!

from Internet Marketing Aficionado

Saturday, 9 November 2019

3 Simple Steps To Become Affiliate Marketer Online

become affiliate marketer online

With the adoption of the internet, it is becoming easier and easier for anyone who has access to a computer and internet connection to create an income online. Affiliate marketing is becoming one of the most popular methods, as an onlne business to start. From my experience, it is also one of the simplest because:

  • There is no product inventory.
  • It has a low startup cost.
  • You can earn very quickly (If you learn how to do it right)

But like anything, affiliate marketing isn’t a get-rich-quick scheme. It is a lot of work, but the benefits are worth the effort.

A Little Bit Of My Background

Ten years ago, I was just like you. Searching for ways to earn an income online. At first I tried MLM, and that didn’t work for me, but eventually one of my mentors showed me that it was much easier to earn money through affiliate marketing than MLM.

I’ve taken several courses, read tons of books, and have launches a bunch of different affiliate blogs over the years, and I have make tons of affiliate commissions along the way. I’ve been there and done that.

Now, ten years later, I have gained the ability to basically “Print Cash” on Demand through affiliate marketing. Every blog I start basically operates like an ATM. If I am in need of money, I simply promote a new product, and then I get paid from the visitors who want to buy the products I show them. It is really amazing. Just keep reading this blog post, and I will show you how…

Step 1 To Become Affiliate Marketer Online

is to pick a niche that you want to focus on. What is a niche you might ask? Well it is basically a subset of a larger market that has their own interests and preferences. Some people pick their niche based around what their passions are, businesses they hace been involved in or are already knowledgeable about, or just know are easy to make a lot of money in.

Once you have picked a niche, you will want to think about what kinds of problems they are facing, and what kinds of answers they are looking for to the quesitons they have. You really want to get into the mindset of your target market. Something that some people do is actually try out the affiliate product that they want to promote. It can help you get a better grasp of what your target market’s wants and desires.

Step 2 To Become Affiliate Marketer Online

is to start a website that can be the hub of information for your affiliate product that you want to sell. WordPress is the best platform by far for creating blog-style websites. It is easy to use, and very versitile. It is really the best place to start.

All you really have to do is research what your target market has questions about, regarding your niche. In the blogging world, these questions that people ask, are what they call “Keywords”, because they are typically typing their quesions into Google, and those questions are called Keywords in Google’s eyes.

So bascially once you have an idea of all the questions you can think of, you answer their questions by creating 1 blog post for each question they have, and then each blog post should aim to point the reader in the direction to try out whatever affiliate product that you wish show them.

Step 3 To Become An Affiliate Marketer Online

is to send traffic (people in your niche) to your website. There are so many different avenues of traffic that you can use to send traffic to your website. Personally my favorite method is to get traffic from Google, Bing, and Yahoo search.

The way you send traffic to your website from Google, Bing, and Yahoo! is basically just publishing blog posts that answer your target market’s questions, Those blog posts get indexed by them, which makes it easy for them to be found by your target market. Then, when they click on your blog post, they become traffic to your website.

Using this method you can literally create unlimited income potential, depending on the number of blog posts you have created. For example, if each blog post gets 30 visitors per month, and you have 100 blog posts, you will get 3000 visitors per month!

With that kind of traffic, you can easily earn a part-time to even full-time income from affiliate marketing, depending on the profitability of the niche, and product that you chose.

Other than that, your website can also be found on social media websites, and online forums where your target market likes to hang out. It is best to have a well diversified portfolio of traffic sources at your disposal so that way you can maximize your chances at earning an affiliate commission.

Once your website visitor decides to buy the product you mentioned on your website, you will earn a commission.

It is really as simple as that.


There are a lot of little details along to way in order to get your first commission online from affiliate marketing. You know what they say…”The devil is in the details.” One little thing you forgot to do could ruin your chance at success. So I recommend you get some formal training.

I highly recommend you try out this affiliate marketing bootcamp that I have done, and have had great success with.

online entrepreneur certification

Click Here To Get Started

It breaks down everything you need to know about how to become affiliate marketer online. The best part is, it is FREE. They will even give you your own WordPress website for free as well. After that, you just follow along each of the steps they lay out for you.

Final Recommendations

I hope after reading this blog post, you have a grasp of what it means to become an affiliate marketer online, and I hope that you give it a try. Affiliate marketing truly is the most simple method for earning online, and passive income is a beautiful thing.

Also, I hope you give the Affiliate Marketing Bootcamp a try. If you do, let me know how you like it. Also feel free to reach out to me if you have any questions.

from Internet Marketing Aficionado

Friday, 8 November 2019

Explaindio Review | Complete Review & OTO’s

With the age of the internet comes the adoption of different ways and means of reaching your clients and markets. The explaindio 4.0 reviewinternet has become one of the biggest game-changers in recent times, from how people transact business, consumer preference, marketing strategy, and even breaking into new markets.

Today, research has shown that over 83% of all consumers on line rely on videos to decide on whether or not to purchase a particular product. For any serious seller out there, these numbers represent money and growth of the business. Nowadays, people spend very little time reading or looking at images to make up their minds, unlike the past.

Introducing Explaindio

So how does one crack into this growing trend? Not long ago, the mention of videos to market products was unheard of or was left only to the wealthy and large companies. As a result, many small companies didn’t grow as required. But the myth and assumption have been broken by the introduction of Explaindio.

Explaindio is the best software in the market currently that focuses on the creation of customized video with so much ease. It can produce whiteboard videos, Doodle animation videos, Full-motion videos, and Explainer videos. All these in 2D and 3D videos. I know you have so many questions running in your mind right now because video and animation creation was a preserve of trained developers, and you don’t have any skill.

Explaindio is made specifically for you, to help you create videos effortlessly using three simple steps. Regardless of whether or not you have the prerequisite knowledge of video creation, you can create videos with unique designs that are going to capture the attention of every viewer and convert the attention into sells.

All that is required of you is to create, through picking the object or actions, then customizing the video using your texts or messages and custom effects, and lastly, exporting the produced video to your computer and sharing it to whoever you want simple as ABC. The fact is the more the traffic your video gets, the higher the chance your product or service will sell. That’s why Explaindio allows you to create your customized video that you’re comfortable in and are confident will sell.

Important Information About Explaindio Software

The product doesn’t require you to download it onto your laptop or desktop. It’s entirely cloud-based, so no need to fear for space on your computer. To top it all up, Explaindio functions properly without a unique set of software. Your web browser is all that’s required. Explaindio has been in the market for quite some time and has had different versions and upgrades as time passes. From Version 1.0, Version 2.0 Version 3.0, and to the latest Version 4.0, all have been great and have helped people improve their works.

Video creation has never been this interesting, fun, and simple. Today many people are given a chance to pay less than they could have used initially. Explaindio has offered a cheaper alternative. Previously one had to hire video creators who would charge exorbitant amounts of money. Explaindio has three packages that are a monthly package of $37 per month, Yearly package at $67, and Explaindio Video Creator One-Time at $497. The latter is the best deal for any interested person.

Explaindio 4.0 OTO’s

Explaindio 4.0 has 1 Front-End and close to five OTOs available for upselling. These are;

The Front-End Explaindio element OTOs cost $ 37 per month that is equivalent to $67 yearly of $297 One-Time purchase.

1. OTO 1 Explaindio 4.0 Pro Creator Pack that costs $47 monthly or $97 yearly

2. OTO 2, Explaindio 4.0 Club that costs $37 monthly or $259 annually

3. OTO 3, Explaindio 4.0 Free CC Footage that costs $ 37 monthly or $97 annually.

4. OTO 4, Explaindio 4 Enterprise that costs $97

5. OTO 5, 3D FBX to the ZF3D file converter costs $47 yearly.

Let’s look at what you stand to get when you pay these amounts of money. We will focus on Explaindio 4.0.

Explaindio 4.0 Review

When looking at Explaindio 4.0 review, I’ve been working on for over two years and boasts of about 35,000+ users since its release. And a majority have relayed back their feedback on how the platform has boosted their businesses, and this could be you as we end this year.

The new version has brought with it ease of operation, great features, customer support, and quality of end product.

Features of Explaindio 4.0

1. Wide range of animations all at one click

2. A full 3D animation

3. The ability to import your customized 3D models and elements

4. Built-in seamless transitions

5. It supports all video formats you name it

6. You can build Engaging Animated Scenes

7. High-quality videos

8. Create Top-notch Logos

9. Make converting YouTube Outros

10. Create Black and White Doodle Videos

11. Produce Hollywood like promo Videos

12. Create Kinetic Typography

13. And also colored Doodle Sketch Videos.

Having looked at these amazing features, let’s look at;

What you can achieve with Explaindio 4.0

1. If you’re interested in creating professionalized Whiteboard Sketches and Hand drawing videos, then this is your niche.

2. Explaindio 4.0 can also be used to create full HD commercial videos, which have overlaying texts, images, characters, and many more.

3. You can use Explaindio 4.0 to insert HD video clips and sound without the need for an external program.

4. You can use it to create High-Quality Parallax Videos

What you get when you purchase Explaindio 4.0 software

If you decide to join today you will get the best deals available including:

• The Explaindio Video Creator Software that is compatible with both Windows and Mac

• Ones you join, you will be granted access to the Explaindio closed Facebook Group.

• You will also get 200 plus pre-done Animated Scenes

• 800 Doodle Sketch Images

• 100 Full HD background videos

• We know that sound is everything and that’s why you will be given the best background Audio Tracks

• Access to over 300 stock pictures that can be used as backgrounds

• 300+ Fonts to ensure that you’re unique

• For a new member, you have access to video tutorials that will guide you through the software.

• Your own Cloud storage to store your projects

• 6 Animated characters, each having their own set of animations.

These are some of the uses, advantages, and abilities of the platform. Once you join it, then you will realize that these are just a shadow of the great things that are on offer on the Explaindio 4.0 site.

My Experience With Explaindio

In my years working as an online marketer, I always found it tedious and time-consuming, shifting from a video editing program to other programs to produce a single video. With Explaindio, you perform all tasks using one software program, meaning I get to save valuable time and resources. What’s more, now I find the process of producing marketing videos more fun than before.

I’ve worked in an advertising firm for the best part of a decade. When I started, we were in a team comprising different designers and animation specialists. Our job was to produce infomercials for different clients, companies, and products. We usually found ourselves wasting a lot of money, time, and other resources trying to make videos. Many software we used proved unreliable. But since we started using Explaindio, we have been enabled to produce even more high-quality content than before for clients and different products.

I find it user-friendliness quite useful as I sometimes have my intern that am mentoring do some tasks if I’m away in the field. The feedback is always great since the process is straightforward, and my intern rarely encounters any trouble when working alone.

On the side, I also venture into whiteboard video making to make extra money. The trick of having an additional source of income in my field is to be able to produce videos in the shortest time possible So that you don’t get to jeopardize your job where you have been employed. Thanks to Explaindio video creator, I produce high-quality videos faster and at the same spending little money. Drawn images and animations selection is top-notch, enabling me to make videos that are sure to sell.

Why Is Explaindio So Good?

As you can see, the benefits of using Explaindio have no end. However, there are some reasons why it is so popular among marketers

• You get to make in-demand videos

You can be assured that the videos you produce with this software will be high demand. You get to create these videos faster and efficiently. From explainer videos to full motion videos, you have videos that will have clients come for more and in the same expand your business network.

• Click and drag editor feature

This tool sets Explaindio apart from other competitors. Though a bit complicated at first, it won’t take you much time to master it. The functionalities on offer are numerous, enabling you to customize your videos to unimaginable lengths.

You will have everything you might need when creating a video. It is like having your very own studio right on your computer. You get access to many premade videos and pictures and no less than a hundred doodle objects. The text animations are also included in this feature, and you can choose on a wide range of fonts.

• Supports several formats

Whatever video format you think working with, you are likely to find it in Explaindio. Whether it is the traditional AVI or the more recent FLV, MP4, MMV, and many more, you need not worry as they are available. Therefore you can make videos that can be viewed on a wide range of platforms.

• Affordable

The software is quite affordable, with several exciting price options. It is budget-friendly, especially if you decide on the yearly plan. If you are resource-constrained, a monthly plan will get you there in the long run.

You, therefore, make high-quality videos at very reasonable prices compared to other platforms that produce videos of lesser quality. Consequently, it’s always a win situation using Explaindio. Furthermore, it also has a two-week money-back policy where you get a full refund if you aren’t impressed with the product.

• Boosts sales and profit

Videos produced by Explaindio are sure to reach many people of different generations. The videos are great and are likely to capture the attention of almost every person. Therefore if you are looking to increase your sales, then Explaindio will help you do just that. In the long run, you will double or even triple your profits from sales.

Anything missing with Explaindio

Currently, there is no known disadvantage of using this product. If we are fetching for anything, then the only drawback seems to be reliance on the availability of the internet. But in this modern world, we find ourselves in, that isn’t anything to worry you.

How does Explaindio compare to other alternatives in the same niche

Other video softwares like VideoScribe do not measure up to Explaindio when it comes to making videos for online marketers. Online marketers work with clients who demand sophisticated videos with complex animations. It is only possible with Explaindio.

My Final verdict

Having used both version 3 and now version 4.0, I must say that every feature of Explaindio makes it the best video tool available right now. Logging into your tube, you are sure to find many businesses and companies using Explaindio videos every day. Virtually everybody is using this video tool. Making high-quality content will no longer feel like punishment. Explaindio video tool enables you to create different types of in-demand videos to help you communicate your ideas and increase your sales.

I hope this Explaindio review has convinced you of the capabilities of this brilliant video software, and you make the decision of trying it out and watch your career grow. If you want to see your videos attract millions of dollars, the only thing you need to do is purchase Explaindio and watch it perform magic.

Click Here To Claim Your Copy Of Explaindio!

from Internet Marketing Aficionado

Tuesday, 5 November 2019

Trafficzion Review | Free Targeted Traffic On Autopilot?

If you are an entrepreneur or an online marketer, you must have discovered the hustles involved in getting your product to Traffic Zion Reviewfirst-time customers or potential buyers. Reaching the targeted audience is not a walk in the park venture, and you have to spend long hours trying to direct new clients to your business website. With the wrong or unmotivated marketing team, this will ultimately be an unsuccessful task.

However, with innovations in the technology world, there must be a more straightforward way of generating traffic? You’re not wrong for thinking so. Thankfully, there is TrafficZion, which is a sure way of directing traffic to your new company’s website or blog. In this article, I am going to give a real and in-depth trafficzion review as well as the trafficzion method. Also discussed will be trafficzion 2 review and the trafficzion pro to offer you with all the details you might require when choosing the right package for you or your business. Therefore stick around to discover the best traffic generator in the online world suitable for all your traffic generation needs.

Introducing TrafficZion

TrafficZion is a software that is very easy to set-up and use. Anybody with basic computer training can use it to get significant traffic for free. What’s more, all this can be done on autopilot. It is quite useful for entrepreneurs who have an online presence and would like to boost their sales or market their company. It can be hard to believe that this great software started as an online traffic method, whereby users used to generate traffic to their blogs and websites daily. By automating the whole process, the technique evolved into software enabling clients and users alike to get real traffic.

The automation enables users to save on valuable time instead of sitting staring at the computer generating traffic. The results of the software are almost immediate, and you are sure to get real traffic in a few hours after turning it on. The innovators improved on a strategy used by bloggers and marketers for a long time to manually generate traffic.

The innovation has been tested and verified by several bloggers who have given glowing reviews of the software. Therefore with, TrafficZion method, I can assure you that you will get more eyes to your websites or product offers. You will get real human traffic, target precisely for your business. Therefore, if you are selling cosmetic products, you are sure to get ladies and models directed to your website. The best part of trafficzion is that the traffic is real, meaning humans, who therefore engage with your content, and they, in turn, will help you build a massive following as you have never seen before. You can then, in a few steps, follow up on this following with new posts and emails. There is no other method out there to perform this task automatically other than trafficzion.

The TrafficZion Niche

As said earlier, traffic is an excellent tool for marketers and online entrepreneurs looking to drive traffic to their websites or products. However, trafficzion is a fantastic strategy for almost all niches. Whether you are a blogger or a sales representative of a company, you can always find a neat way of utilizing trafficzion. It is particularly useful for individuals working in e-COM since they require loads of traffic to increase sales and therefore profits

Owners of online stores find trafficzion very useful in driving targeted traffic to their products. Using credible traffic sources, you are sure to find the right type of clientele that is likely to purchase your products. Affiliate marketers and local marketers can also find potential customers from this software. There will be no need to have to make many trips to meet new customers. Using the trafficzion method, you can find your customers online through a few clicks.

You don’t need to be selling a product to use this useful strategy. As long as you’re looking to have many people visit your blog, website, or online articles, you are sure to generate a massive load of traffic when you make use of this software. Bloggers have useful information to pass to people around the world. Therefore having the best methods of getting your ideas to people will be of great help, and trafficzion will make the process easier.

TrafficZion can pull traffic in the millions of different individuals who are interested in that specific niche you are trying to promote. It brings potential clients to your blog or website by using the keywords and tags that you added to the trafficzion software.

I am a blogger and beta tester, and I can confirm to you that trafficzion works in almost magical ways.

What does TrafficZion have to Offer?

There is so much more on offer when you use trafficzion for generating traffic. Some of these are;

1. Getting real human traffic back to your website and blog

When you use the trafficzion method as your online traffic generator, you will have a massive head start. It is because the team of innovators already knew the best practices to use online and developed a great software to produce the best results. It has been tested for the best part of 12 months with many customers and beta testers. The feedback was incredible. They were able to receive real human traffic back to their blogs and websites consistently.

2. Engaging with new traffic

You will also get to have targeted traffic engaging with your online content daily. Every new post or product release was met with new comments from new visitors. It means new sales avenues with each post. Those online operating stores reported having increased their sales after using the software. That can also be you. To make the idea more interesting, you get traffic almost instantly.

3. Choosing tags and relevant keywords to target potential markets

As said earlier, it works depending on the keywords and tags you input. It will be the only task you perform manually on the software. The other functions, the software undertakes using the automated system. You have to sit back and relax and watch traffic streaming to your website.

4. Generating passive income

Since the software comes with an auto-pilot mode, it runs the whole process for you, allowing loads of traffic land on your monetized blog or website for actual passive income.

My own experience of using TrafficZion

I started using trafficzion recently, and therefore I must share the amazing experience I got. Within a few minutes of starting, I had already got more than ten page views and even more unique visitors. What I have to say is that it works and is brilliant, plain, and straightforward.

When I upgraded to the newer second version (trafficzion 2 review below), I got to have access to a brilliant SEO and received real results almost immediately. From this, I was able to build a handy List that runs out of my WordPress dashboard.

I have come across many free traffic methods, and they are disappointing. I have never seen anything like the automated trafficzion method, and to add to my amazement is how well it performs. I have been using it to get targeted traffic daily on autopilot. I receive almost everything from traffic to massive leads and, ultimately, significant sales. It works virtually as-just click it for enormous traffic. In just one week, I realized that the traffic to my page had spiked to unimaginable levels.

What’s more, I can have a passive income source on the side, which helps me a lot, as long as I maintain a steady flow of traffic. With a few days of experience of using it, I had come to learn how to do it faster and easier than when I started. The training videos were of great help, teaching me how to monetize the process.

Is TrafficZion any good?

When you invest in TrafficZion, you get the following fantastic benefits

• You instantly get traffic to your blog, website, or online store. The Exact Traffic Formula in use by the software ensures a fast generation of traffic for any niche.

• You get real human traffic, proven to engage with your blog or website.

• You can make money through passive income. You get training on how to monetize the whole process, meaning you get to make good money on the side.

• The targeted traffic strategy and formula is not known to anybody else in the world. It means you will be way ahead of your peers, finding new markets, and making much more sales if you are a businessperson.

• You also get a complimentary software that automates the whole process making it easy to install and use trafficzion software.

The Pro Version

TrafficZion comes in two packages-the basic and the pro packages. I highly recommend you get the pro version as you will get more of the benefits. TrafficZion Pro comes at the cost of $ 47, and you will be able to use many WordPress sites if you wish. The basic version only allows for one WordPress site.

TrafficZion 2

This section will serve as a trafficzion 2 review. It is a newer version of the first version that was released in January 2018. It also costs $ 47 but has a lot more modules, and the few glitches encountered in the first version were straightened out.

It has two parts- auto-software and training elements. The auto-software feature helps you upgrade and grow your business. It can be done on full autopilot mode. You can use the training and auto-software together to get maximum benefits.

The training part teaches on the four steps required to make money with the trafficzion method online.

• The first step is showing a famous website on the internet, which has huge traffic, and it also teaches a new user on how to create a profile.

• The next step is connecting your profile to this website.

• The third is teaching you how to interact with members on the platform. When these people engage with you through the profile you created, you can make money from them.

• The fourth step is tracking your statistics on your website, and then you can decide to scale up.

The software itself works on autopilot, and it assists you in scaling up on all that you were doing in the training part. The training part unlocks the manual steps taken in the whole process. As seen above, doing the process manually is time-consuming and requires a lot of patience. Therefore the developers came up with an exciting auto-software that enables you to manage WordPress websites.

By using this software, you force your several accounts to interact with WordPress users by liking them and following them. In this way, you can maximize targeted traffic to your blog, website, or online store, ensuring increased benefits to whatever you are aiming to achieve.

The process of setting up Trafficzion 2 is quite simple and straightforward.

1. You only have to log in and enter your website or blog name.

2. You connect the blog with your WordPress profile by clicking the activate button.

And you are done. From here, the autopilot will work its magic wand. You can rest easy and forget about, assured that traffic would be generated on your website. No complications are involved.

It is user-friendly and simple to use for any person. The only three steps you need to master are;

• Four-step process of setting up traffic

• Searching for relevant niches matching tags and keywords at proven traffic sources such as WordPress and Gravatar.

• Tracking the targeted traffic

Advantages of TrafficZion

  • Simple to set up
  • Making extra income with goods you are marketing
  • You get a training guide on how to make money through blogs and websites
  • No paying for traffic
  • You get to save valuable time and money

Any disadvantages of using TrafficZion?

From my own experience and what I have heard from other users, I can’t think of any. You can look for any disadvantage out here, and I can assure you won’t find even one.

Trafficzion OTO’s

Trafficzion comes with different upsells, which cost you a bit more.

 OTO1-Tribe

By paying $ 37 more, you get to have traffic to any of your posts. Also, you get to interact with the trafficzion community called the tribe and have community-based traffic. These are individuals that are likely to share your posts with other people, increasing your traffic in the process.

 OTO2-Inner circle

For $ 67 more, you will be able to access 2 webinars monthly for group coaching for a year.

 OTO3-Free Traffic

With this, you have the whole process of traffic generation done for you for an entire year. For $ 197, you only have to send your domain, the tags, and keywords so that they send real traffic. You can also get a cloud version to set up your own if you would like to track traffic by yourself. You will also get 2 webinars private group coaching for the whole year.

Final Thoughts and Verdict

Trafficzion is a fantastic software that will allow you to generate traffic to your blog, website, or online store from other online users. You will be able to have a more meaningful engagement, which will see your site rank highly in Bing and Google. It is particularly useful for people aiming for free traffic ways leading to increased engagement on websites and blogs.

If you have decided to purchase trafficzion through my blog, you can click on the link here, and you are sure to unlock tremendous benefits on offer from the product.

Be sure to enjoy and exploit this fantastic software to help you grow your business if you are an entrepreneur or have increased visitors to your website if you are a blogger.

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from Internet Marketing Aficionado

Sunday, 3 November 2019

OnMyWay Review And Bonus | Is The OnMyWay App Legit?

Careless driving and interference by mobile phones are among the leading causes of road accidents. There are plenty of OnMyWay Reviewapplications and road activity trackers that can track your driving habits. However, some that pay you for good driving habits. OnMyWay is an app that leverages advancing technology to reduce road accidents. It is an easy and free to install application that enables drivers to get paid if they drive without using the phone for calls or texts.

Apart from saving lives, the app offers a free way to make money for drivers. The application activates automatically you start driving. To earn rewards, all you need to do is keep your phone locked while driving.

About OnMyWay Driving App

OnMyWay Driving App is based in Woodland Hills, CA. As mentioned, the application awards users with cash – as little as five cents per mile driven without texting. As the money accumulates, drivers can use it to exchange with real-life products and services such as gas, meals, and other deals. That aside, passengers can get paid too or refer friends. If you refer someone and they actually use the app, you get 2 cents per mile for not texting while driving.

Manufacturers believe that offering rewards to drivers is the best way to end the top cause of death for young people. The app can be downloaded for free from Apple and Google play store.


  • Easy to Use

Once installed, the application activates automatically once you start driving at more than 10mph. To earn, simply keep your phone locked. Note that the passengers get rewards too.

  • More Rewards

The application has a new feature, the Marathon deals, which pays in the form of cash and gift cards. With this, you get to enjoy lots of promotions and discounted offers daily. All these benefits are available just for using the OnMyWay app and driving safely. With recent updates, users can also be paid directly through Venmo or PayPal.

  • Refer and Earn

Like other promotional applications, you can earn cash for every referral signing up through the individual custom link. There is no limit to the number of people you can send the referral link to. Send your custom link to as many family and friends as possible and earn rewards for every safe drive they make.


  • Rewards for good driving habits
  • Earn through referrals
  • Help reduce road carnage
  • Compatible with all devices
  • Easy to use


  • Boring bugs on the application
  • Seemingly unrealistic marathon deals

OnMyWay Review Video

What Others Are Saying About The OnMyWay Driving App

Christopher Morse – 5 stars (Verified user)

I like the concept however, it wouldn’t let me play my music. Low and behold, it automatically turns on do not disturb. Gonna test it again after allowing media to pay while on do not disturb. However, in a mile and a half of driving and checking my phone three times to figure out the music issue, I still earned .05 cents. Earning .05 cents for a short three-minute drive, I’m not gonna complain, that’s actually pretty decent for an app.

Crystal Reese – 4 stars (Verified user)

“Love the concept! You earn money really fast too, especially if you drive a lot. I’ve had this app for three weeks, and I’m already close to $50. Love that you earn for your referrals driving too! I can’t figure out if you can just directly transfer money to your account, though. Also, the app uses quite a bit of battery even when you aren’t using the app directly. Also, there have been 3 or 4 times now when the app did not track my driving. I lost out on maybe $4-5, which is a bummer.”

Jtrue14 – 3 Stars (Verified user)

I downloaded this app, and the first drive I took, I drove 2 hours home. But only got credit for 8 miles because you have to have your phone locked. How do you expect this to happen when you’re using Waze or other GPS, and your phone is connected to apple car play. It never locks when that’s the case. So far, not impressed, but I like the vision behind this… Also drove this morning 7.7 miles one-way the phone was locked the whole time back and forth it only recorded 4 miles.

Final Thoughts

There is nothing more important than getting paid for being safe on the road. Well, this is what you benefit from using the OnMyWay app. If you are frequently on the road and looking to maintain road safety, make sure that you try out this app. Download it for free, install, and get rewards. Refer your family and friends to ensure their safety as you earn more.

Claim Your OnMyWay $10 Bonus, Click Here

from Internet Marketing Aficionado