Intro To The Content Marketing Case Study
Hi there, this is Nathan Conner.
This blog post is basically a content marketing case study, about how I was able to turn 1 article into essentially 13 pieces of content.
This process is known by many in the content marketing space as “Repurposing Content”, and it is a little known secret that marketers use to drive more traffic to their site. You are essentially taking an article and “re-packaging” it, and putting it in front of a different audience.
Repurposing content is highly recommended for several reasons.
- The first reason is that it saves you a lot of time. Instead of spending 4-6 hours creating an entirely new blog post, you can spend maybe 30 minutes repurposing content, and then republishing it.
- It also saves you money. Many professional webmasters and bloggers outsource a lot of their content to Hirewriters, and Iwriter, among several others. Getting an article from them can cost around $50 for long-form content. Repurposing content allows you to save money by not having to order content quite as much from those websites.
- The third reason is that it actually allows you to put your content in front of thousands of new audiences without having to create brand new content. I consistently publish content to various sources where my target audience is searching for information, and also just hanging out. It is a great way to be found.
My top two favorite places to publish content are my Blog and YouTube. But you can also publish content as Guest Posts, Article Directories, and Online Communities where your target market likes to hang out.
What I typically recommend is that you link to your “money site”, or at least make a mention of it, if that community doesn’t allow links.
So now that I have given you a brief introduction, let’s get into the case study.
Step 1: Create The Blog Posts
So for this case study my content is going to be centered around a scam website that I found online called Facebook Ad Blaster.
The website claims to delivery thousands of visitors to your landing page, and they “Guarantee” sales or they we send you the traffic a second time.
I did some digging and I actually found 3 other websites that are essentially clones of Facebook Ad Blaster, claiming to do the same thing. They are even coming from the same vendor.
So the first step is to create an article giving my experience with the Facebook Ad Blaster, and then recommending better alternatives to getting quality traffic to their offers.
So here I have an article that I have created within my wordpress website detailing my experience with Facebook Ad Blaster.
I have taken some screenshots from the website, and placed them into the post.
I have also place some different calls to action in the post.
One of them is a link to Udimi, which is basically a Solo Ad marketplace.
I also give a link to the affiliate product that I sent my traffic to, called Trendds.
Also, I give an invitation to an online community I am part of called Wealthy Affiliate.
Lastly I have a viral sharing plugin on the bottom, that offers a free affiliate marketing training if they share the blog post with their friends.
After I have created this blog post, I then repurpose it to talk about the other clones of this website. I do this by simply creating new posts and changing a few of the words in the post, such as changing the name of Facebook Ad Blaster to Clickbank Solo Ad Blaster. Also make sure that the meta data is changed as well. This ensures that the posts are not crawled by google for the same keywords.
So basically by doing this I am able to create 4 seperate blogs posts from one article.
You Can View Each Blog Post Here:
- Facebook Ad Blaster Scam
- CB Solo Ad Blaster Scam
- Targeted Affiliate Link Traffic Scam
- 20 Dollar Solo Ads Scam
This allows me to send 4 times as much search traffic to my blog. But we are not done yet. The next step is to convert my articles into videos, and I will talk about that in the next section.
Step 2: Transform The Blog Posts Into Videos
So we are now in the next section, which is about taking each of the blog posts and converting them into video that we can publish on YouTube. The software tool that I use to create the videos is called Content Samurai, and it is an incredibly simple tools that allows you to create videos from articles or blog posts. It can also do videos for social media, sales videos, videos for online courses, and property listing videos.
To create the video all you have to do is paste the blog post text into Content Samurai. It will automatically generate scenes based on words in each sentence. In this particular video I am taking some of the images that I used in the blog posts, and replacing some of the slides of the video.
After you have selected all the slides that you like, you them either select an automatically generated voice, or to do your own voice recording. In my experience it is really nice to have this option. Some days you cannot record your voice, and the autovoice can be customized to sound natural and very clear.
Something that I recommend if you want to make the voices sound more natural is lowering the speed of the voice to 93-95%. I have found this works for many of the auto-voices that they provide.
After the voice file has been completed you will simply preview the video, and generate. Once the video has been downloaded, you will download it to your computer. You just rinse and repeat this process for each of the 4 blog posts that were created. I usually don’t spend more than 15 -30 minutes per video in Content Samurai because it is so easy to use.
So you should have 4 videos after this section. The next section we will be moving over to YouTube and uploading the videos. I will also show you several important YouTube optimization techniques to drives a lot of traffic to your YouTube channel.
Here Are The YouTube Videos I Created:
- Facebook Ad Blaster Scam
- CB Solo Ad Blaster Scam
- Targeted Affiliate Link Traffic Scam
- 20 Dollar Solo Ads Scam
Step 3: Uploading And Optimizing Your YouTube Videos
The next step after you have all the videos you have created from content samurai is to upload the videos into YouTube. To do this you have to obviously need to set up your own channel. I am not going to walk you through that process, but there are really a ton of videos you can search for on YouTube for setting up your channel.
What we will be going over is 4 major things. The first is your video title. I will be talking about how to make sure it stands out over your competition. The second thing is the video description. It is important that it has all the elements it needs for YouTube to know what the video is about as well as have the links you want to drive traffic to.
The third thing is the video tags, which is mostly prettys simple because they are basically derived from the keywords that were used to create the blog posts.
The 4th thing is the Video Thumbnail which is extremely important for getting viewers to your videos. I will be going into detail about this.
The Video Title
So when you care creating your video title. You always want to use the main keyword in the title once, and sometimes if you can use it twice naturally, you can do that. The next best piece of advice to use brackets or parenthesis after the main title with a catchy phrase. This has been proven to help increase the clickthrough rate of your video. Lastly, I recommend putting in one or two emoji that are closely related to either the content or flow naturally in the title. It can be as simple as replacing a normal exclaimation point with an emoji exclaimation point. Emojis really help make your videos stand out, and enhance the click through rate.
The Video Description
The description is the second thing that YouTube uses besides the title to learn what your video is all about. It is also the best place to place your links that you are trying to drive traffic to. I always recommend you have a call to action and your main website or link as the first two lines in the description. The reason is because the rest of the description is not visible, unless the viewer clicks to open up the description, which most of the time won’t happen. So the link you want to share with your viewer should be easy to spot in the description, and a strong call to action always should help motivate the click.
The next part is placing a spun version of the blog post into the description. Now you might not have heard of what spinning is. But it is really important, especially when you are repurposing content. Search Engines such as YouTube and Google don’t like duplicated content. Even if it is the content that you wrote yourself. So to be safe you have to run your blog post through a spinning software that changes the words and phrases so it will appear 80-90% unique compared to the orginal blog post. It will decrease the readability of the description just slightly but not that much.
The spinning software that I have been using for years is called Spin Rewriter, but there are a ton of different spinners out there to try. Spin Rewriter definitely is the most advanced and keeps the words and phrases the most readable, so it is definitely the one I recommend the most. Once the blog post has been spun, you just have to past it into the description.
The last section of the descrition is where you can place any disclaimer links, and also hashtags. The hashtags that you use should be highly related to the content, and the best recommendation on which ones you should use is to simply use the suggest feature when typing into the search box. It will help you come up with Hashtage ideas. Now you can only use three hashtags, so make sure you choose wisely.
The Video Tags
The next section is the video tags. These typically need to be the main keyword that you were targeting, as well as any other recommended keywords. Again I recommend using the suggest feature in the search box to come up with closely related tags to the main ones you chose.
The Video Thumbnail
The last step to creating the Youtube videos is to create the thumbnails. This is extremely important because a thumbnail that stands out is really going to help drive traffic to your videos. The tool that I really like for thumbnails is Thumbnail Blaster. It not only helps you create catchy thumbnails, but unlike some of the competitors it uses an Artificial Intelligence to figure out how effective your thumbnails will be and see if they are compliant with YouTube’s thumbnail policy.
Here Is A Screenshot Of Thumbnail Blaster:
So you should try to create at least one Thumbnail using thumbnail blaster for each video that you created, if not 2 for each video so that way you can try and split test, and make sure you publish them once they are done. Also one thing to keep in mind, if you are having trouble with publishing thumbnails you might not have verified your YouTube channel, so make sure you look up instructions on how to do that.
So that wraps up the YouTube section of this case study. The next part I will be showing you how to create even more pieces of content, so keep on reading.
Step 4: Content Through Documentation
So now we are in the next section of this case study, which is creating content through documentation. This blog post is a great example of how I am creating content by documenting my process as I go. The two pieces of software that I am using to document and are Content Samurai, and Screencast-o-matic. In particular I recommend utilizing the scripting feature in Screencast-o-matic so that way you can easily record yourself and stay on track without straying off topic.
So what we are going to do is publish the video once it is done recording to several places that support video uploads. You won’t be able to upload the same raw video to the same places, each video will need to be altered depending on where we will be uploading it. So in this video my plan is to upload the video to YouTube, Facebook, LinkedIn, and Wealthy Affiliate.
The raw video file will have to be altered for each of the places that I publish the video. I will have to create custom calls to action depending on where I publish it as well. For example I will be creating a different call to action for my YouTube video, because my links will be in the description. But on Facebook, my call to action will be in a different spot.
Also something worth mentioning, LinkedIn has a video file size limit so my video there will have to be broken down into several parts. That is great because you can either publish the second videos on your LinkedIn profile, or even send them to your website where the rest of the videos are.
The key takeaway is that each publishing platform has it’s own unique rules, and features within the site, so you have to tailor your video to each one of those websites. That is basically what repurposing content means in regard to videos.
Turn The Video Script Into A Blog Post
So at this point we have created 12 pieces of content from 1 article. The final content piece is a blog post, and like what I was saying before you can utilize the script you created in screencast-o-matic to create a detailed blog post that you can publish on your blog. Screencast-o-matic has an export feature which allows you to export the script into a text file.
Final Thoughts
So there you have it, I have shown you my process for content creation. I hope that you found it useful. This is really just the very beginning of content repurposing methods. I will be creating more content just like this, that will show you how to repurpose your content and amplify your reach. So stay tuned.
from Internet Marketing Aficionado
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