In todays online marketplace, there are several referral programs out there that reward you with some sort of commission or bonus, when you refer someone to use their product or service. Although there are several different ways to promote your link to other people, it can be a daunting task trying to get people to click on your affiliate link.
I’ve been promoting affiliate links and referral links here since April and I just started tracking my stats which you can see down below. As you can see I’ve been able to generate a ton of clicks to my links (800+ in December 2019) by embedding them on my website and YouTube channel. In fact, you don’t even need to get a lot of website visitors to get a bunch of clicks to your affiliate link. You just need to do it the right way, which I will share below.
I think this picture kinda proves that I know something about how to get people to click on your link. When it comes how to get people to click on your link there are there are a few things to consider that will boost clicks to your links tremendously. That is what I will be talking about today.
Mention Early, Mention Often
If you are writing a piece of content, and want somebody to click on your affiliate link. One of the best ways to get people to click on your link is to mention it early on in the post. People have short attention spans and may not read your whole post, bu if you can at least give them something to click on early on in the post, there is a good chance a lot of the readers will take a look, even if they don’t finish reading the post.
When I am creating a YouTube video for example, I will always place my links on the first or second line of the description so that way they are easily visible to the viewer. I also make sure that I mention where the link is in the video, early on, usually after the introduction.
When I embed one of my videos on my blog I know that there is call “click the link” below the video, so I always create a link below the video to whatever it is I want to show my readers.
Use A Compelling Call-To-Action (CTA)
A call-to-action is simply asking your viewer/reader to click the link, because they want to see what is on the other side. A successful call to action needs to stand out and by visible to the reader. The best way to do this is to seperate the CTA from the rest of the post, giving it it’s own like in the post.
Banner ads and custom call-to-action buttons are also a great way to help them stand out and become visible to the reader. This is not available on every platform, but is availabe if you have your own blog or website.
If you need more in-depth training on how to building a convincing call to action, I recommend you watch this video training here:
Final Thoughts on How To Get People To Click On Your Link
These are just a couple of tips on how I get people to click on my links in my blogs, social media posts, and videos. If you learn to master crafting a call to action and, master the placement of the links, you should have no problem at all with getting people to click on your links.
If you need more help with this I recommend taking a look at some of the “call-to-action” training available on the Wealthy Affiliate. If you create a free account, you will be able to search the archive for training videos on how to get people to click on your links, and create fantastic call to actions. Click Here to be taken to Wealthy Affiliate.
How To Get People To Click On Your Link
In todays online marketplace, there are several referral programs out there that reward you with some sort of commission or bonus, when you refer someone t
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from Internet Marketing Aficionado
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